Macadamia Nut Oil Skincare

Magic Of Macadamia

Macadamia nut oil is naturally healing to the skin being naturally high in vitamin A and E. These two vitamins known for their ability to heal and regenerate the skin. In fact the French have long used macadamia nut oil to treat sunburned skin. This also makes it a great ingredient in skin care products for treating scars and other minor skin irritations.

If you’ve ever eaten a handful of Macadamia nuts, you can taste the richness of the nut and it’s oil. There is a reason it’s one of the most expensive nuts on the shelf.The luxurious, wonderful oil contains high levels of palmitoleic acid, more than any other plant oil at nearly 22 percent. Palmitoleic acid is naturally found in the body’s natural skin oil. However, natural levels of palmitoleic acid drop off as we age. Therefore it’s important as we get older to use products that boost natural oils.

Dry skin is an issue for people everywhere regardless of race or geographical locations. Macadamia nut oil acts is easily absorbed into the skin and does not leave greasy feeling. Instead, macadamia nut oil leaves a velvety feel as it absorbs into the skin. This wonder oil can be used on all skin types, from infants to the elderly.

Macadamia Nut Oil SkincareOne of the antioxidants in macadamia nut oil, squalene, is rare and has a particularly strong impact on our skin. Squalene is a naturally occurring antioxidant in our body, but adding more through macadamia nut oil can help reduce oxidative stress on the body’s fats and the skin, helping to prevent wrinkles, age spots, slow healing rates, and other signs of aging.

Macadamia Nut Oil is found in face and body washes, moisturizers, hair products and many others where it’s moisturizing properties are needed. When you are searching for a moisturizer that it perfect for your skin type, be sure to look for Macadamia Nut Oil on the ingredients list. There are many to choose from. This magic marvel will keep your hair and skin looking and feeling young, vibrant and healthy.

Let us know below how you use Macadamia Nut Oil and any products you have used that contain it.

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