Coconut Oil Acne Treatment

Coconut Oil: Natural Acne Treatment

Are you having issues with acne? Most people have at one time or another. A few of us are stuck with it for life seemingly but maybe not. Do you need to go to doctors and buy expensive medical creams? Perhaps not with Coconut Oil Acne treatment.

As you no doubt are already aware, acne can occur anywhere on your face or body. You may experience whiteheads or blackheads on your nose and pimples and cysts on your cheeks and forehead. You may have more breakouts on your neck, back or chest.

Before you go for expensive treatments, why not try some natural techniques such as Coconut Oil to rid yourself of those blemishes or at least try them in conjunction with your normal treatments. You might just find the answer is more simple than you ever imagined.

It’s is high in lauric acid, which helps kill the bacteria that cause breakouts. Applying coconut oil to the skin can kill acne-causing bacteria and increase moisture, which may also reduce scarring.

There are a few ways acne-sufferers are using it for acne. Most people using it topically are either using it to cleanse their skin as an oil cleanser, as a moisturizer, or as a spot treatment.

This Dr. Oz video contains some tried and true techniques that have worked for many. How To Treat Acne With Coconut Oil. What do you have to lose? Oh right, pimples!

  • Coconut oil is high in lauric acid, which helps kill the bacteria that cause acne and blemishes.
  • Applying coconut oil to the skin can kill acne-causing bacteria and increase moisture, which may also reduce acne scarring.
  • If you want to try it, organic, virgin coconut oil is the best kind.
  • Additionally, coconut oil may help heal your skin and prevent it from scarring.

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